Saturday, October 23, 2010

Passive Aggressive Notes

Hello, my friends! I am sorry that long time never update this blog with journal or devotional content even though I really wanted too! (Believe me I have so much of them.)

Okay, mean while I will keep blogging interesting (according to my personal taste) things and I have updated the playlist for the music player if you want to feel more the ambiance of the blog.

This is what I want to post now:

I found a website that compiled letters (passive) with aggressive content. They are so hilarious even though sarcastic and vulgar sometimes but they are the way humans interact. Just be amazed and well-entertained.

Watch your words :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Squeaky Balloon

Added music on the side bar.

Feel free to click and play.

Flip book motion

I've been looking for this video again. Thank to Ariessa Cahyadi for remind me about it (it's her friend work!).

Just want to put it here for future purposes. Be inspired!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Header Design

I did a little touch up on the header.

Do you like it?

Image source: Membruto. Thank you!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Willi Waller Golddd Edition!

This is one of videos that makes me laugh at every part of it. Haha.

Click to watch on Youtube (Embedding disabled by request).

Love the way he talks, love the jokes.


Do you have any cheating memory during test?

Or you were the "helper" actually..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


When you first love someone, it's hard to make the words straight.

I know this video is exaggerated but it reminds me of those days and I smiled..

You know how it feels :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Beware of cat

I prefer dog.

Are you a cat or dog person?

I heard, man can be categorized in 2 categories: cat or dog.

There is a book about it too: Cat & Dog Theology.

This book talks about how cat demonstrate a bad relationship with its master when dog demonstrate a good one.

If I am allowed to quote from the book (I can't remember it exactly):
Cat says: You feed me, you love me, I must be god.
Dog says: You feed me, you love me, you must be god.

This book gives you a good perspective and practical ways to help you have the right respond to God's love.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Do you ever need this?

Or 'exam answering tool'? Anyone?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October comes: God is gracious

Abis baca-baca blog orang, salah satunya blog Frieska yang tiba-tiba banyak banget updatenya. Hahaha. I don't know why I am always amazed by how she lays out her life. I must learn to see the beauty in every single thing God has put in my life (is this the other word to say I must learn to be "romantic"?).

I want to post something! I want to post something!
(Malah udah sampe direquest update sama Kiki.)

Sebetulnya ga ada apa-apa sih so far. Maybe nothing remarkable for me unless if I really get a job. That's what will make me truly happy for now, I think. Tgl 22 Sept kemarin adalah hari kelulusan gw. Quite fun to meet all my friends and celebrating our victory. Haha. Was it? At least everyone of us are happy. School life has end (and still will be happy unless I don't remember that I'm jobless now).

Sebenarnya cuma mau cerita ini sih: tadi di YRC, Ko Ferry giliran offering sermon dan dia cerita tentang Tuhan yang udah generously banget provides our needs. Testimony-nya dia adalah waktu itu dia lagi butuh uang dan tenyata Tuhan kasih dia annual bonus 5times more (if I'm not wrong) that what Ko Ferry has calculated.

After heard that, I ask God: Have I experience your graciousness? Sedangkan doa gw byk yg belum terjawab, misal kayak cari kerja, etc. Suddenly I have an even greater expectation befor God. Tapi tiba-tiba Tuhan ingetin gw ttg 1 hal yang Tuhan udah bener2 kasih graciously: far beyond what I ever imagine (sorry, I can't mention it here ;p). I can only give thanks and stand in awe of him. He who will give to the fullest, far beyond what we ever ask or imagine. Amen.