Monday, August 30, 2010


I found this video on YouTube.

It's a weird and amusing video (do not surprise by the ending).
I love the way he talks. So cute!


I can't help myself to type the script down (spoiler ahead, watch the video first):

My name is Tom. T. O. M.
Every day I have to same routine.
First, I get up, put on my pants, socks, shirt and tie, and trousers. Shoes.
I then clean my teeth.
Eat one and an half slices of toast with a jam from ?? and strawberry.
I don't like the lumps in jam but my mom keeps buying the lumpy one.
I pick up my school bag and out the door, up the left side of the path.
Car drives on the left hand side of the road in Britain, Japan and probably some other places.
At this corner is Mrs. Hamburg's bush.
It has big leaves and they don’t have a dog so the shoes will not get wet.
This is where i leave my socks. He checks his post everyday at 7 AM so they will be safe.
These socks are 100% cotton. I am allergic to some manmade fibers.
I hide my trousers here. The shop attendant looks dead but she doesn’t smell bad.
I sometimes look at myself in this window. I don’t think I am the only one.
I looked like I have a skirt on. I am a boy. I close the shop when i leave.
I take my shirt off by loosening my tie a little and opening the top two buttons.
It all comes up in one ??. It looks a bit like if it's an invisible man wearing it but that's silly.
That's the park. I don't play there anymore. It’s for little kids.
This is where I hide my shirt. It is free from sense of fungi and ?? under here.
I am now really to going to school.

But they are not completed. Can you help?

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Do you know, a musician, Nujabes?
I think most people do not know him, even though he got a lot of fans indeed (I am one of them). For me, he is a genius in jazz electronica (with some mixture of hip-hop) genre.

It happened that I found his songs in YouTube few months ago. I did not check who he is. I just love the way he composes his music: so deep and good harmonization.

Yes, I did not check who he is until I read a comment on one of his song titled Love Sick. It said:

"WORD........... Drive safely cause you never know ..... you might just kill a genius."

I wonder what happened. My senses wonder if he actually dead already...

I just Google it for a quick reference. This is what I found at Wikipedia:

Jun Seba (February 7, 1974 – February 26, 2010)

OMG! He is actually already dead! I actually became so sad. Imagine how young he is only 36 yeas old! The comment is true: "Drive safely cause you never know, you might just kill a genius." I love his songs so much but there will be no more new song from this genius...

If you are interested on him, you can

I think this world need more creative people. We will never have enough.

I really crave...

Sometimes I forget to fear

Jennifer Dalton
Mixed media
70" x 65" x 14" (178 x 165 x 36cm)

It is a sculpture made of 5 hinged panels of old-fashioned school
letterboards attached at the sides and hinged in accordion style, each on a metal sign stand. Each letterboard has a word or two placed on it that comprise a phrase when you read them all together. Depending on where you stand in relation to the accordion-folded panels, you can either see:
  1. All 5 panels, which say SOMETIMES I / FORGET TO / REMEMBER TO / FEAR / HOPE
  2. If you stand so the work is foreshortened, you see just the 1st, 3rd and 5th panels which read SOMETIMES I / REMEMBER TO / HOPE
  3. If you stand so the work is foreshortened the other way, you see just the 2nd and 4th panels, which read FORGET TO / FEAR

An insightful artwork! Instead of "forget to hope" and "remember to fear", the artist put them the other way in a creative placement.

From now on, let's only say:


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sebab Dia Hidup

This song keeps playing in my heart and I became so joyful:

Anak Allah, Yesus namaNya
Menyembuhkan, menyucikan
Bahkan mati tebus dosaku
Kubur kosong membuktikan
Dia hidup

Sebab Dia hidup ada hari esok
Sebab Dia hidup ‘ku tak gentar
Kar’na ‘kutahu Dia pegang hari esok
Hidup jadi berarti

I will not worry :)

Global Warming!

Please HELPPP yourself to save the environment!

I found this picture:

Or we will be ended like this (and it's not nice y'know...)

At least, let's reduce the usage of plastic bag :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuhan adil?

Setelah lama jalan sama Tuhan, gw ada liat berbagai macam hal. Ada orang yang hidupnya senang, ada juga yang hidupnya susah. Tapi kalau diperhatiin keadaan itu nanti akan berbalik bergantian: yang tadinya senang jadi susah, yang tadinya susah jadi senang. Tuhan adil banget yah!

Tuhan adil?

Rasanya itu pandangan yang dangkal banget. Gw yakin (Dia memang adil tapi) Dia ngelakuin itu semua bukan supaya keadilan bisa ditegakkan. That's like good for nothing. Tapi pasti ada maksud yang lebih dalam lagi: Tuhan ngelakuin semua itu untuk kebaikan kita sendiri. Sesuai dengan keputusan dan kebijaksanaan yang Tuhan punya, Dia mengizinkan kita menghadapi susah-senang-susah-senang karena kita perlu itu. Supaya kita jadi tambah dewasa dan tambah sempurna di dalam Dia.

Contohnya, misal si A awalnya seneng-seneng, tapi karena Tuhan pikir si A perlu diajarin sesuatu jadi Tuhan izinin suatu keadaan gak enak buat dia alami biar bisa jadi lebih dewasa lagi. Sebaliknya si B yang awalnya lagi susah-susah terus Tuhan pikir itu udah cukup buat si B belajar banyak dan jadi dewasa, jadi Tuhan menghilangkan kesusahan itu sehingga hidupnya sekarang jadi seneng. Semuanya itu terjadi untuk kebaikan mereka masing-masing!

Jadi alasan utama dari semua itu gw bilang karena Tuhan sayang sama kita, alasan selanjutnya baru gw bilang karena Tuhan adil (Tuhan pasti adil dong!). Di Kitab Ibrani dibilang kalau Tuhan mendisiplinkan kita untuk kebaikan kita sendiri sehingga kita dapat berbagi dalam kemuliaannya (Ibr12: 10). Terus ditulis, Tuhan juga selalu turut bekerja di dalam segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan buat kita (Rom8: 28). Jadi sekarang kita bisa ngerti klo dalam segala situasi itu sebenarnya Tuhan punya maksud baik dan tentu aja Dia gak bakal ninggalin kita dalam kesusahan itu. Teruslah percaya sama Tuhan dan rasakan sendiri kalau kesetiaan-Nya itu lebih dari hidup ini. God bless :).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shooting Strangers In Orchard Road

Ada 1 website keren tentang fotografi:

Ini karya Danny Santos II. Jadi si fotografer tuh suka potret-potret orang asing di jalan. Unik banget sih klo diperhatiin. Foto-fotonya tuh terkesan dramatis banget. Mungkin karena lensanya fokus banget ke objeknya dan hal-hal sekitar jadi terlihat blur. Dan juga orang-orang yang lagi bergerak dipotret dengan shutter speed tinggi, jadi posenya itu jadi natural (dan bisa juga aneh) banget. Jadi bisa mengingatkan diri sendiri tentang simple beauty. Hehe..

Ini foto-foto yang menurut gw menarik:

Imut banget deh... Jadi inget om-om yang punya payung Hello Kitty ^_^.

Ini keren banget fotonya. Super dramatic, nice composition with girl silhouette that give a sexy look.

Kayaknya sih ini website masih baru soalnya content-nya baru dikit. Buat kalian yang suka jalan-jalan di Orchard Road, sering-seringlah cek ke situ. Siapa tau ada mukamu di sana. Say cheese!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cup Noodle

Tadi pas mau pergi dinner, dompet beneran kosong. Cuma tinggal koin 10an sama 20an sedikit doang. Jadi harus memaksakan diri ke ATM deh. Gw males banget deh sama yang namanya ngambil duit: bikin tabungan makin menipis aja.

Pas sampe di ATM, eh, koq kartunya gak bisa masuk. Gw baru sadar klo layarnya putih nge-blank. Hahaha. Omg... Jadi gw makan apa dong... *Ting* Terus tiba-tiba kepikiran beli cup noodle deh di NTUC terus bayar ajah pake NETS. Hahaha. Pinter. Pinter. Tapi yah... gw gak bisa makan instant noodle: selain rasanya super artificial, habis makan pernah kena stomach cramp beberapa kali...

Akhirnya no choice deh.. Gw bli 2 cups (harga promosi). 1 udah buat dinner. Gw tuang mienya dari cup palsu ke mankok asli biar keliatannya lebih enak dimakan. Tuhan, semoga perutnya gak bakal kenapa-kenapa. Amin.

Masih ada 1 cup lagi... Liatlah besok pagi klo mentok ga ada sarapan... Haha. Tuhan, besok minta sarapan yang enak yah. Thank You.

Blog baru

Baru coba-coba bikin blog baru, nih. Rasanya pingin ada tempat buat nulis yang aneh-aneh. Kalau blog yang lama rasanya sudah terlalu random dan private. Hahaha. Selamat datang.

Btw, templatenya agak aneh.. Gak ada navigation bar-nya... Jadi susah klo mau utak-utik...